An exclusive Live Webinar

Secrets to a Fun and Focused First Draft

Hosted by
Writing Coach Kevin T. Johns

Broadcast has ended. You may watch the replay!

June 29th
12:00 EDT

Here is What You'll Learn

The 3 biggest challenges to writing a first draft

Methods and hacks you can use to avoid overwhelm

When the lone wolf method of writing works (and when it doesn’t)

Why an incredible outline isn’t enough to ensure first draft success

How to beat ‘squirrel syndrome’ and the ‘revisions maelstrom’

How to fit your writing into a schedule filled with family, work, and health goals

Which part of the six-stage book production process is the most difficult (and why)

What I did that allowed me to finally finish my first book after seven years of struggle


About Kevin T. Johns

Kevin is a popular thought leader in the space of writing productivity, personal motivation, writer's craft, and independent publishing. He is the father of three daughters, an author, podcaster, and independent entrepreneur. As a writing coach, he has helped hundreds of writers worldwide get ideas out of their heads, onto the page, and into the hands of readers. Kevin specializes in helping sci-fi, fantasy, horror, thriller, mystery, and adventure novelists go pro with their writing careers. 

June 29th
12:00 EDT